Recent Publications

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* indicates student authors

  1. *Escovar, E.L., *Bocanegra E.S., Craske, M., Roy-Byrne, P., Stein, M., Sullivan, G., Sherbourne, D., Bystritsky, A., & Chavira, D.A. (2023). Mediators of Ethnic Differences in Dropout Rates from a Randomized Controlled Treatment Trial Among Latinx and Non-Latinx White Primary Care Patients with Anxiety Disorders. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 211(6), 427-439.

  1. *Ponting, C., *Ong, E., Dunkel Schetter, C., & Chavira, D. A. (2023). Exposure therapy acceptability among pregnant Latinas with anxiety: A qualitative content analysis. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology, 10.1037/cdp0000589. Advance online publication.


  1. *Bocanegra, E. S., Chang, S. W., Rozenman, M., Lee, S. S., *Delgadillo, D., & Chavira, D. A. (2023). Attention Bias and Anxiety: The Moderating Effect of Sociocultural Variables in Rural Latinx Youth. Community Mental Health Journal, 10.1007/s10597-023-01132-y. Advance online publication.


  1. *Ramos, G., Montoya, A. K., *Hammons, H. R., Smith, *D., Chavira, D. A., & Rith-Najarian, L. R. (2023). Digital Intervention Barriers Scale-7 (DIBS-7): Development, Evaluation, and Preliminary Validation. JMIR Formative Research7, e40509.


  1. Ahmed, S. R., Serpas, D. G., Chavira, D. A. & Myers, H. F. (2023). A structural model examining racism, stress, and psychological symptoms among Arab American adolescents. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 29(2), 152-162.

  1. Chavira, D., *Ponting, C., & *Ramos, G. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on child and adolescent mental health and treatment considerations. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 157,

  1. *Hanano, M., Rith-Najarian, L., *Boyd, M., & Chavira, D. (2022). Measuring Adherence Within a Self-Guided Online Intervention for Depression and Anxiety: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mental Health9(3), e30754.

  1. *Williamson, T. J., Garon, E. , Shapiro, J. R., Chavira, D. A., Goldman, J. W., & Stanton, A. L. (2022). Facets of stigma, self-compassion, and health-related adjustment to lung cancer: A longitudinal study.Health Psychology, 41(4), 301-310.

  1. Hunt, C., Campbell-Sills, L., Chavira, D., Craske, M., Sherbourne, C., Sullivan, G., … & Bomyea, J. (2022). Prospective relations between anxiety sensitivity and transdiagnostic anxiety following cognitive-behavioral therapy: Evidence from the Coordinated Anxiety Learning management trial.Behaviour Research and Therapy, 104119.

  1. *Ramos, G., Aguilera, A., Montoya, A., Lau, A., *Wen, Y., Torres, V., & Chavira, D. (2022). App-based mindfulness meditation for people of color who experience race-related stress: A protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(4).


  1. *Rapp, A. M., Tan, P. Z., Grammer, J. K., Gehring, W. J., Miller, G. A., & Chavira, D. A. (2022). Cultural Values Influence Relations Between Parent Emotion Socialization and Adolescents’ Neural Responses to Peer Rejection. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 50 (2), 255-267.

  1. *Sanchez, A. L., Jent, J., Aggarwal, N. K., Chavira, D., Coxe, S., Garcia, D., La Roche, M., & Comer, J. S. (2022). Person-Centered Cultural Assessment Can Improve Child Mental Health Service Engagement and Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 51(1), 1–22.

  1. *So, F. K., Chavira, D., & Lee, S. S., (2022). ADHD and ODD dimensions time varying predictions of internalizing problems from childhood to adolescence.Journal of Attention Disorders, 26 (6), 932-941.

  1. *Rapp, A. M., *Dixon De Silva, L. E., *Escovar, E., & Chavira, D. A. (2022). Psychometrics of the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children in Latinx adolescents. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 10(1), 71–79.

  1. *Ponting, C., Chavira, D. A., Dunkel Schetter, C., & Urizar, G. G. (2022). Cognitive behavioral stress management effects on prenatal anxiety among low-income women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 90(2), 148-160.

  1. *Ramos, G., *Ponting, C., *Bocanegra, E., *Chodzen, G., *Delgadillo, D., *Rapp, A., *Escovar, E., & Chavira, D.(2022). Discrimination and Internalizing Symptoms in Rural Latinx Adolescents: The Protective Role of Family Resilience. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology51(6), 997–1010.

  1. *Rith-Najarian, L. R., Chorpita, B. F., Gong-Guy, E., *Hammons, H. R., & Chavira, D. A. (2022). Feasibility of a web-based program for universal prevention of anxiety and depression in university students: An open trial. Journal of American College Health, 70(8), 2519-2526.

  1. †Ramos, G., †*Delgadillo, D., Montoya, A. K., *Thamrin, H., Rapp, A., Escovar, E., & Chavira, D. (2021). Discrimination and internalizing disorders in rural Latinx youth: An ecological model of etiology. Children and Youth Services Review, 130, 106250.

  1. *Rapp, A. M.,Tan, P. Z., Grammer, J. K., Gehring, W. J., Miller, G. A., & Chavira, D. A. (2021).  Cultural group differences in the association of neural sensitivity to social feedback and social anxiety among diverse adolescents. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 143, 400-408

  1. *Rapp, A. M., Grammer, J. K., Tan, P. Z., Gehring, W. J., Chavira, D.A., & Miller, G. A., (2021). Collectivism is associated with enhanced neural response to socially salient errors among adolescents.  Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(11):1150-1159

  1. *Rapp, A. M., Chavira, D. A., Sugar, C. A., & Asarnow, J. R. (2021). Incorporating family factors into treatment planning for adolescent depression: Perceived parental criticism predicts longitudinal symptom trajectory in the youth partners in care trial. Journal of Affective Disorders, 278, 46-53.

  1. Ponting, C.*, Dixon De Silva, L.*, Chozden, G.*, Bocanegra, E.*, Chavira, D. (2020). Responding to Calls for Racial Justice in Intervention Science: A Dialectic. The Behavior Therapist. 44(6).PREVIOUSLY LISTED AS WORKS IN PROGRESS.
  1. Gonzalez, A., Dixon De Silva, L. E., Reinosa Segovia, F., & Chavira, D. (2021). A qualitative investigation of promotores’ perspectives on task-shifting evidence-based mental health care for Latinxs in a rural community. Psychological Services, 18(4), 689-694.

  1. Ponting, C.*, Chavira, D.A., Ramos, G.*, Christensen, W.*, Guardino, C., & Dunkel Schetter, C. (2020). Postpartum Depressive Symptoms in Low-Income Latinas: Cultural and Contextual Contributors. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 26(4), 544-556.
  1. Dixon De Silva, L.E.*, Ponting, C.*, Rapp, A., Escovar, E., Camacho, A., Chavira, D.A. (2020). Trauma Exposure and Mental Health Symptoms in Rural Latinx Adolescents: The Role of Family Processes. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 51(6), 934-942.
    1. Ponting, C.,* Mahrer, N.E., Zelcer, H., Dunkel Schetter, C., & Chavira, D.A. (2020). Psychological Interventions for Depression and Anxiety in Pregnant Latina and Black Women in the United States: A Systematic Review. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 27(2), 249-265.