Community Outreach
South Central Healin Artz Space
Intervention, Prevention, & Response Artz Healing Space
At this event, we provided a workshop on depression and anxiety in English and in Spanish. Additionally, we provided mental health resources, handed out UCLA merchandise, and recruited potential participants for our ongoing research studies. This event took place during the inauguration of the youth center that had just opened up in the Healing Space.
Santee Education Complex in Los Angeles
1st Partnership LA University Day
The following two University Day events were conducted by Partnerships LA, whose mission is to transform school systems in order to empower all students and provide them with a high-quality education. The CALMA team was invited to participate in these two events. The photo on the right shows two of our research assistants providing copies of mental health resources and services and recruiting more potential participants for our ongoing research studies. This event took place at the Santee Education Complex in Los Angeles.
Roosevelt High School Community Event
2nd Partnership LA University Day
This was our second University Day event with Partnership LA. The majority of people who attended this event were Spanish speakers. We participated in a tabling event where we provided a list of mental health services, English and Spanish copies of anxiety & depression pamphlets, recruited potential research participants and handed out flyers regarding our current studies.
Vaughn Next Century Learning Center
Learning Center Grand Opening
The CALMA team attended the opening ceremony at the Vaughn Next Century Learning Center in Pacoima and provided families with a list of mental health resources and informed them about the lab’s current studies. Our research assistants were able to network with other community representatives and discuss future collaborations to further increase awareness about mental health in the San Fernando Valley!
South East Los Angeles
Back to School – Open House
CALMA Research assistants attended an open house for a charter high school in South East LA and distributed a variety of mental health resources.
New Heights Charter School
New Heights Charter Parent Conference
Our CALMA team was invited to provide mental health resources during 3 day-parent conferences.